Western Civ 2 – Lesson 100

Discuss two weak points in the views of Karl Marx, and explain what’s wrong with them.

One of the weakest points in the views of Karl Marx is that he said capitalists were all money grabbing, bloodthirsty, big bosses, that live off of others suffering. This view is wrong because most of the time bosses work far more than their employees and the bosses of large companies have far more worries and responsibilities than their employees do concerning business. Another extremely weak point that Karl Marx made was that people will just help each other and share profits and work contentedly doing whatever they want, and actually get things done! People are generally selfish, lazy, and life just does not work when humans expect other humans to be without these properties.

What were Herbert Spencer’s views, as you encountered them in the reading for this week? Does he deserve to be called a “Social Darwinist”?

Herbert Spencer’s views seem to be that of an early liberal, and a modern libertarian, and I think that if what we read this week is accurate then he certainly did not deserve to be called a Social Darwinist.

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