Western Civ 2 – Lesson 110

What was the Kulturkampf?

The “Kulturkampf” (cultural struggle) was a struggle between Otto Von Bismarck, the Prussian prime minister who organized the unification of the German states into one Germany, and the Catholic Church. Bismarck, a Lutheran, attacked and oppressed the Catholics because he wanted the state to take control of and subordinate the Catholic Church to avoid putting the German government’s authority at risk of being challenged by the papacy. Some of the oppressive attempts included requiring marriage to be officially civil, closing down monasteries, and expelling the Catholic orders of friars from Germany. However, after the death of Pope Pius IX and the election of the new, more pliable Pope Leo XIII, Bismarck ceased his program and sought to reconcile with the Catholic Church.

Discuss the arguments advanced in favor of and against the British Empire in the two articles you read.

In the late 19th century, the British Empire sought to expand its influence and dominance, primarily over the seas and countries like India, Africa, China, and some islands. There are disputes over whether or not the imperialism of Britain had positive or negative influence over the regions it dominated. Although everyone agrees that the subjects of the British Empire were both benefited and harmed by the empire’s control, some lean towards the opinion that overall, the Empire’s influence was mostly positive, while others take the opposite view. In general, the advocates asserted that the British Empire cultivated and advanced the civilizations it dominated, allowing the subjects to become much more prosperous than before. In opposition to this view, some believed that the cons outweighed the pros. Those against Britain’s imperialism stated that Britain treated its subjects ruthlessly and abused the rights of the inhabitants of dominated regions.

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