Western Civ 2 – Lesson 120

How did a political assassination in June 1914 lead to a world war? Why did each of the major countries intervene?

Because Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated by a Serbian nationalist, Austria used the incident as an excuse to declare war against Serbia to supposedly avenge the death. However, Austria’s real motive was to crush Serbia and eliminate Southern Slav nationalism, which threatened to break Austria-Hungary apart. Austria won the approval of Germany to deal with Serbia however necessary. After an ultimatum was issued to Serbia, the Austrians soon invaded the small country. Major European powers also entered the war, but not in defense of Serbia. Each country entered the war on the basis of self-interest. A war seemed like a great opportunity to everyone to expand their territories. However, neither country that entered the war won significant gains and only suffered major casualties.

Based on Lesson 117 and the reading, how has it been argued that Woodrow Wilson followed a double standard in his treatment of the British hunger blockade and the German submarine warfare? What policy did he take regarding Americans sailing on ships flying belligerent flags?

Upon the commencement of World War I, Britain conducted a naval operation against Germany known as the British Hunger Blockade. The intention of this blockade was to “starve Germany into submission,” as Winston Churchill stated, the prime minister of Britain. However, this blockade was considered illegal according to international law. It was a distant blockade and labeled food as contraband. Germany responded to this injustice with unrestricted submarine warfare, meaning they would attack any ship traveling in war zones regardless if it was an enemy navy ship or simply a merchant ship. During this period, President Woodrow Wilson asserted the neutral rights of Americans in war zones, which sounded absurd to all other countries. He sent a note to the German government, affirming that the US will protect American citizens sailing on ships flying belligerent flags. In 1915, a German submarine sunk the Lusitania. Among the 2,000 casualties were over a hundred Americans. This angered Wilson and he sent a second warning note to the German government, reinstating his doctrine and adding that Americans have the right to travel in war zones armed and cannot be attacked. After the sinking of the Sussex in 1916, the Germans tried to make concessions with Wilson on the condition that he make an effort to persuade the British to end the hunger blockade. Wilson showed that he had double standards – he rejected Germany’s offer. Wilson sought to avenge the lives of about a hundred Americans while thousands of German civilians were dying of hunger at the hands of the British.

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